jueves, 24 de enero de 2019

What I would like to change in my career

Well, my career is not well made in general, there are some unnecessary subjects in our basic cycle and there are some teachers who should leave this department because they are no good for the disciplne. Anyways, I want to talk particularly about physical anthropology because in the first semester of 2018, me and a group of -now- friends started to look programs in differents universities around the world to know how they teach physical anthropology and we notice that here is horrible, and because of that,  we made a formal request to the department of anthropology to change the program of our career, or to close it, so we have been in talks to arrange this career since then until now. First, physical anthropology doesn't have good methodologies, because we don't learn useful tools to work after graduate, so basically we didn't know how to do anything: proper methodologies are necessary.  Secondly, it doesn't have any real theory, only genetics and evolution, it didn't make sense to have 2 subjects about evolution when you even see evolution in the basic cycle TWICE; we need new theories. Third, the subjects are way to heavy to the students, they have to study sooo much, that mental health in physical anthropology is a huge problem so it's necessary to distribute the academic work loud. Fourth, there are few teachers, so everything is concentrated in a group of persons who do everything, which is bad, we need more teachers to have more subjects! I can keep going, because it has too many problems, but I just hope it can change for the future generations.

I'm going to leave the link of our request here, so you can read it to know what happened with physical anthropology in our university ✩


miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

A job that I would like to have

Opinions in general

Hello, today I'm going to tell you my opinion regarding some topics that are in the public discussion these days, just to let you know, what I'm going to say is just my opinion, so I might be right or wrong, however this is what I believe right now. 

First, about buying instead of adopting pets I think is totally wrong for many reasons. One of them is that if you buy an animal you are seeing it as an object, a brand, so is like if you buy a new mercedes benz or a new lamp. This brand thing is a product of genetic selection,  and as far as I know, some dogs because of this genetic selection developed some problems to breath or types of cancer so they have a difficult life. This is a speciesist point of view, and I don't think cats or dogs would sell themselves, so, for people who buy pets, I may ask, do you buy humans regarding their height, color, hair, etc?

In the other hand, another topic is Climate change that is happening in front of our eyes, I've been thinking about this a lot, reflecting and making changes. The things is, the main reason that destroyed de planet is our existence, so if you want to help, the best option in a long term is not to have kids. Now, since there are still people alive, we have to do some changes in our daily life. One of the big reasons for deforestation and water deficiency is to raise animals, so if more people stop eating animals, they are going to reduce the lands to feed animals and stop using so much water for animals. Also, everything we use has a production process, and if people who make those products don't change, then we can't really get into it and change it by ourselves can we? but we can contribute by no buying that product, and that is what I've been doing slowly but conscious. We are not going to solve this problem to be honest, because we are the problem, but we can contribute a little to make somethings remain (not humans obviously). When I said that we have to changes in our daily life, besides all that've already said, I mean to Recycle too!, when you buy something try to think if you can use it afterward, or if it is a material that you can recycle in a clean point in your town. I think recycling is very important, is kind of hard to make it an habit, but you can work on that. 

Finally, there is a case in Argentina about a girl who was raped by her neighbour at age 12, got pregnant, gave birth in 5 months and pro-life  people were celebrating. Well, the baby is dead now, and this makes the abortion to be in the discussion plane again. When is going to be legal? abortion in 3 cases are common sense! and is the first step to get legal abortion in any case. Why the baby is more important that the woman and her decision? what makes a person more valued than another? just because it's a new born? I don't get it. Woman first! 

martes, 22 de enero de 2019

Postgraduate Studies

I want to do a postgraduate study because it's going to give me more knowledge, tools to work and recognition when I look for a job, and in these times, most people have masters or PhD, in some fields is a must to do a postgraduate study. I would like to study old people, so something relate to aging or health care sounds apropiate. There is a master that I searched that is called Health and Aging in the department of health, aging and society in McMaster University, I really like their program and I'm lucky to have an aunt who lives close to this University, she told that if I wanted to study there I can stay in her house, and that would be really nice. Another idea that I have is to continue studying Mandarin, and get an scholarship to do a master in China related to social sciences. My friends won the scholarship and they are doing a master there right now, one of them is doing a master in busines and the other in literature, for free! It's really a good option.
In my case, if I have to choose I would choose a part-time mode of learning, so I can work and save money, go out, give money to my parents and buy stuff that I want. If I can't study abroad of course I would do it in Chile, because I think a postgraduate is a must right now!

lunes, 21 de enero de 2019

My future Job

Today I'll talk about my dream future job! first, I would love to have a stable job, so I won't have to be searching all the time. Preferably indoors, but probably this is not going to happen, because I want to work at the public policies for the care of older adults (anthropology of aging) and I want to visit the olders, talk to them and see what they need, so I have to go out to do that. This major that I want to take is by my own experience taking care of my grandmother and I know this topic is not well worked in public policies; is important right now if you think how our population is getting older. 

In the other hand, If I can travel to other countries it would be really great, because is a good way to learn the experiences of other people that work in the same field, plus you get to know different cultures, food, languages, etc. But I don't mind if I stay in Chile, because I like south and I would like to travel there every weekend, or even work there. I wish I won't have an stressful job, and it would be awesome if it has a flexible schedule, so I can go to the south anytime or keep doing my hobby which is music, and for that you need time to rehearsal and to go to other places to play. 

Finally, as I said, I want a stable job, and with that, I mean an stable salary too! I don't need a lot of money to survive, just the necessary. I'm good at saving money so I hope that with less I can do a lot!  

domingo, 20 de enero de 2019

Ted talks! Digital future

Hello, today I'm going to talk about a Ted conference about the Digital world we are living on and the impact it has had by now in our human lives. Douglas Rushkoff is the speaker, and he develops and argue regarding the need to re-think how technology has been done, because they took away what characteristc our specie, because they deleted almost all meaning, values, communication, relationships, etc. He says we live in a fantasy, because we don't see what is real actually, and that we've been told that "human beings are the problem, and technology is the solution" and what he dispute is if technology as it is right now is really the solution. He arguments that by having the digital era as the main center of our lifes, is metter only about the present, they are not thinking about the future, so tries he explain how technology should be thought for our specie as human beings. He declares him self as "Team human", meaning that he wants the humans to be part of the digital future, implementing the values that we used to have before the digital era, and being creative to co-exist. 

I think what he says about how digital and technology has taken us away from each other is true, I used to spend my time only in online comunication but now I mostly do real comunication, and I think there is a big difference between them both, mostly because in real life you can tell if the person is lying, saying the true, or if he/she thinks something is disgusting, etc. And that is what it makes us humans. But besides that, I'm not a part of "Team human" as the way he says, because my strong belief resides in the human extinction, we have been doing enough, we have been thinking about ourselves a lot, and we don't need it anymore, even if what he says is a good thing, there is always gonna be a 20% people who want to destroy each other, not only humans but animals and plants too, and sadly that 20% has power, money and controls the digital space. We all have known what happens when humans become creative, and there are 2 results: A good song, or a new chemical bomb.

jueves, 17 de enero de 2019

My favourite subject at school

Why did I choose to study Anthropology?

If you don't know, I'm studying anthropology, a social science. Before I decided to study this career, I wasn't into the idea of studying a profesional career, because I thought it was too much work and I was lazy. But one day,  I searched anthropology on google and it click me on, the reason was because I read on Wikipedia de sentence "the science that studies culture" and that was really interesting to me, because culture has wide topics to study, and at that time I liked different languages, religions and types of music, which are part of cultures, so I thought it was a good career to study these things. After that research, I looked at the universities and found that there is bioanthropology too in University of Chile, expanding even more the things that I could study, so my first option was that university, plus it was well knowed in general. When the time to choose my speciality came, I chose bioanthropology, but I realised that it wasn't well orientated to social science, so I changed to social anthropology, which was my first intention. Right know I think my choice was right, and it was right to choose bioanthropology and then social, because that made me reflect on what I want to study and what I want to do after university. 

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2019

The best concert

It was on May 5th of 2017 at Caupolican Theater when Rhapsody came to Chile to give us the best concert ever! Rhapsody is a band fom Italy that started in 1995 and plays symphonic power metal/epic metal music, meaning that they use orchestra instruments, distortion on guitars, strong drums, opera vocals and screaming vocals. Their lyrics are about fairy tales, wars, swords, dragons, warriors, etc. You really can enjoy stories while listening to their music, it's just awesome.

The concert was the best description of epicness, every chorus was sung by everybody as the vocalist Lionel was calling us to be ready for war, so I felt very emotional about the environment in the enclosure, because everybody was in the same page as me: preparing for war, celebrate victory, and  saving or fighting the dragons. Plus, this was the last time we had Rhapsody with the original members, and this was the tour of the trajectory of Rhapsody, so they played all their old songs that are the best ones. I went with my cousin, and we both were happy for the quality of musicians they are, and for the emotions that it makes you feel. Listening to Rhapsody makes me happy, so watching them live was in another level of hapiness. 

martes, 15 de enero de 2019

The place I've always wanted to visit

The place that I really want to go is China, because is a millenary culture that we all should experience. First, there is a religion called Taoism that I've been looking up for a while now, and I really desire to be in a place where I can truly feel what it is, and practice it by having a nice and smooth taichi sesion with experienced and wise instructors.

Secondly, I've been told that food is extremely cheap, so one of the reasons I want to go is to take a taste of the traditional chinese noodle soup with a lot of vegetables.

Thirdly, I want to finally meet my online chinese friend in Sichuan, visit the panda sanctuary there and eat the spicy noodles that are known in Sichuan. I want to visit my chinese ex teachers too, and spend lot of time eating with them noodle soups and drink bubble teas.

Finally, The main reason to visit China is to learn Mandarin, being that if you stay long time in a place you can learn the native language in a better way, so I hope that if I go to China I can better in Mandarin. Maybe if my professional objectives go this way, I can obtain a scholarship to do a master there, which it would be really awesome.

What I would like to change in my career

Well, my career is not well made in general, there are some unnecessary subjects in our basic cycle and there are some teachers who should l...