miércoles, 23 de enero de 2019

Opinions in general

Hello, today I'm going to tell you my opinion regarding some topics that are in the public discussion these days, just to let you know, what I'm going to say is just my opinion, so I might be right or wrong, however this is what I believe right now. 

First, about buying instead of adopting pets I think is totally wrong for many reasons. One of them is that if you buy an animal you are seeing it as an object, a brand, so is like if you buy a new mercedes benz or a new lamp. This brand thing is a product of genetic selection,  and as far as I know, some dogs because of this genetic selection developed some problems to breath or types of cancer so they have a difficult life. This is a speciesist point of view, and I don't think cats or dogs would sell themselves, so, for people who buy pets, I may ask, do you buy humans regarding their height, color, hair, etc?

In the other hand, another topic is Climate change that is happening in front of our eyes, I've been thinking about this a lot, reflecting and making changes. The things is, the main reason that destroyed de planet is our existence, so if you want to help, the best option in a long term is not to have kids. Now, since there are still people alive, we have to do some changes in our daily life. One of the big reasons for deforestation and water deficiency is to raise animals, so if more people stop eating animals, they are going to reduce the lands to feed animals and stop using so much water for animals. Also, everything we use has a production process, and if people who make those products don't change, then we can't really get into it and change it by ourselves can we? but we can contribute by no buying that product, and that is what I've been doing slowly but conscious. We are not going to solve this problem to be honest, because we are the problem, but we can contribute a little to make somethings remain (not humans obviously). When I said that we have to changes in our daily life, besides all that've already said, I mean to Recycle too!, when you buy something try to think if you can use it afterward, or if it is a material that you can recycle in a clean point in your town. I think recycling is very important, is kind of hard to make it an habit, but you can work on that. 

Finally, there is a case in Argentina about a girl who was raped by her neighbour at age 12, got pregnant, gave birth in 5 months and pro-life  people were celebrating. Well, the baby is dead now, and this makes the abortion to be in the discussion plane again. When is going to be legal? abortion in 3 cases are common sense! and is the first step to get legal abortion in any case. Why the baby is more important that the woman and her decision? what makes a person more valued than another? just because it's a new born? I don't get it. Woman first! 

2 comentarios:

  1. I also think that we can't solve the enviromental problem, we should all die

  2. I think we should do something against production processes to stop climate change, it's necessary.


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