Hello, today I'm going to talk about a Ted conference about the Digital world we are living on and the impact it has had by now in our human lives. Douglas Rushkoff is the speaker, and he develops and argue regarding the need to re-think how technology has been done, because they took away what characteristc our specie, because they deleted almost all meaning, values, communication, relationships, etc. He says we live in a fantasy, because we don't see what is real actually, and that we've been told that "human beings are the problem, and technology is the solution" and what he dispute is if technology as it is right now is really the solution. He arguments that by having the digital era as the main center of our lifes, is metter only about the present, they are not thinking about the future, so tries he explain how technology should be thought for our specie as human beings. He declares him self as "Team human", meaning that he wants the humans to be part of the digital future, implementing the values that we used to have before the digital era, and being creative to co-exist.
I think what he says about how digital and technology has taken us away from each other is true, I used to spend my time only in online comunication but now I mostly do real comunication, and I think there is a big difference between them both, mostly because in real life you can tell if the person is lying, saying the true, or if he/she thinks something is disgusting, etc. And that is what it makes us humans. But besides that, I'm not a part of "Team human" as the way he says, because my strong belief resides in the human extinction, we have been doing enough, we have been thinking about ourselves a lot, and we don't need it anymore, even if what he says is a good thing, there is always gonna be a 20% people who want to destroy each other, not only humans but animals and plants too, and sadly that 20% has power, money and controls the digital space. We all have known what happens when humans become creative, and there are 2 results: A good song, or a new chemical bomb.
ResponderBorrarOh, I think you're quite right when you say there are only two options: A good song, or a new chemical bomb.
Hi,It also seemed interesting to me that it is currently said that humans are the problem and technology is the solution, this thought must change...